Statistics Present Worrying Facts About Teen Drug Addiction
A growing number of teenagers drink alcohol and consume other toxic substances, although such action is often illegal and dangerous. Some adolescents try alcohol or toxic substances occasionally, but even this behavior can be considered dangerous because it can lead to addiction and secondary issues (illegal consequences, poor school performance, loss of friends of the environment, social isolation and not Finally, family problems). For this reason, teen drug addiction is a subject which cannot be ignored.
Statistics on teen drug addiction:
- 40% of teens have tried marijuana at least once, while 22% of them frequently use this drug. Marijuana is a common option among teenagers and can cause memory loss, cognitive (learning) or attention
- Approximate 9% of teens have tried cocaine, while 4% use the drug frequently (at least once a month). Cocaine is an addictive drug. It is very dangerous because it can cause cardiac arrhythmias (abnormal heart beats) sometimes fatal, heart attack, seizures or strokes.
There are also other toxic substances that are used by teenagers. Among these we can find:
- Inhaled toxic substances (sprays, benzene-based chemicals, oils, paints and adhesives). These types of toxic substances are most commonly used by young teenagers because they are readily available and are also relatively inexpensive. However, they are highly toxic because they contain toxic substances such as toluene, which can cause brain damage, tumors (chronic use) and in some cases even death.
- Drugs used most often in clubs such as ecstasy (MDMA), (GHB), flunitrazepam (Rohypnol), also called the love drug, often used by adolescent girls for sexual corruption (sexual intercourse is consumed by poisoning such substances is rape). These drugs are mainly used in nightclubs that play trance music, dance or rave. Although the number of teens who use such drugs is less than those who smoke tobacco or marijuana and alcohol, these drugs are more dangerous especially when used in various combinations with other toxins. Using ecstasy even rarely can lead to depression, sleep problems and severe anxiety symptoms that can last more than a few weeks of initial use. Chronic use of this drug cause liver damage and problems with concentration and memory
- Methamphetamine (often retrieved under various generic names, such as, speed, crank or meth). This drug is addictive and can cause severe manifestations, such crises ischemic stroke, serious mental problems (paranoia, hallucinations, depersonalization crisis) and other long-term health problems
- Hallucinogen, most often LSD (lysergic acid diethylamide), mescaline, psilocybin, PCP (phencyclidine) and ketamine. Using LSD can cause serious psychiatric disorders such as psychosis and hallucinogen type flashes
- Opiates, like heroin, morphine and codeine. The use of opiates leads to physical and psychological dependence. Teens who use drugs are prone to various crimes, especially theft of various goods from the family home and sometimes even suite to prostitution and all of them to get money for drugs.
- Toxic drugs such as Valium, are also used by adolescents due to their affordable price.
- Medicinal substances such as anabolic steroids are especially used by guys who want to increase their muscle suddenly and significantly reduce their body fat. These substances can cause liver cancer, oligospermia (low sperm count), the acquisition of male physical characteristics, irritability, anger, increased serum cholesterol and blood pressure, a heart attack or stroke.
Drug use has become increasingly common in recent years in our country. This causes health problems, social and family related this behavior to be and they often met. Drugs consume can cause serious brain disorders and developmental disorders and behavior. Teens who use drugs often have some difficulty in establishing their identity, interpersonal relationships (including family) in acquiring a normal physical and mental self. Toxic substance abuse can also affect adolescents' cognitive abilities (learning) that lower school performance. By far, the most dangerous side effect of using the occasional occurrence of drug addiction is consequently leading to chronic abuse of such substances.
Symptoms of teen drug addiction
It is sometimes difficult for parents or members of his entourage, to identify a problem with toxic consumption among adolescents. Some parents suspected possible drug use for older children showing abnormal behavior (negativity, denial, isolation), although this behavior can be considered normal at this age. It is difficult to identify a possible abuse of toxic and is not recommended extreme behavior from parents worried.
Experts recommend that when abuse is suspected a possible toxic substances among adolescents, to carefully observe certain behavioral changes characteristic of such situations (changes in behavior, change the look, attitude to close people etc).
Among the signs that can occur with toxic abuse, remember the following:
- Poor attention on physical appearance and clothing, and inadequate sanitation
- Loss of appetite and unexplained weight loss
- Conjunctival hyperemia (red eyes), and inappropriate usage frequency of eye drops and mouth fresheners (chewing gum, candy mints)
- Absenteeism and poor academic performance
- Loss of interest in certain school or extracurricular activities, sports and other hobbies
- Conduct which betrays an attempt to hide some secret
- Removal of family members and friends
- New friends and acquaintances who are not present family
- Behavior characterized by lying and stealing
- Contemptuous behavior towards family and friends
- Hostility, violence
- Lack of interest and lack of future plans.