Jackpot, Nevada - Other Languages
Substance abuse is an extremely widespread issue among all cultures and all ethnicities in Jackpot, Nevada, no single race or ethnicity is completely immune to this serious problem. Regardless which language a substance abuser speaks, alcohol and drug abuse can only be resolved with powerful drug and alcohol rehab. Drug and alcohol treatment centers which cater to treatment clients who speak other languages are offered in several regions of the U.S.. These Drug treatment programs in Jackpot don't disregard quality because of a possible language barrier, and provide rehab services which are commensurate or better than similar English language drug and alcohol treatment centers. Simply because a treatment client speaks a language other than English doesn't suggest that they should receive inferior treatment than someone else. Liaise with with a treatment specialist to search out a drug treatment program in Jackpot, Nevada which caters to persons who speak languages other than English today.
- Psychiatric Services Behavioral
493 Eastland Drive
Twin Falls, ID. 83301 - Twin Falls County
630 Addison Avenue West
Twin Falls, ID. 83301